Tuesday 3 January 2017

The Sign of the Four Context Research

The Sign of the Four Context Research

In your The Sign of the Four assessment, you will need to be able to explore how Conan Doyle comments on and explores the social, literacy and historical context of the Victorian period.

Task 1: Research

Research the following four contextual areas:

1.Crime and policing in Victorian times

2.The British Empire, colonialisation and Victorian attitudes to race

3.Attitudes towards women in Victorian times

4.Literary context – detective mystery genre/ other popular fiction of the time

There is a PowerPoint here with lots of useful information to get you started, including several links to websites on the penultimate slide.

Task Two: Collating the Research

In your books, write the date, c/w and heading: Contextual Research on The Sign of The Four.

Use one page in your books for each contextual area - make sure that you include subheadings to keep your research organised (see the list above). For each contextual area, write down five facts that you have found out. You should aim to include images as well as writing.

Task Three: Applying your Knowledge

On a new page, write the heading: Significant Contextual Issues in The Sign of the Four.

Identify five moments in the novel when you think Doyle is commenting on contextual issues of the Victorian period.

It will be your homework to complete these three tasks; use your lesson time wisely!

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