Wednesday 28 September 2016

Year 10 Descriptive Writing Assessment Next Steps

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Descriptive Writing Assessment: Next Steps

It's time to get improving those writing skills Year 10!

1. Everything you need to do this is here. *

Read the instructions carefully and make sure you complete all tasks.

You need to print a copy of the word document and show it to me.

Time to enjoy some writing and reading:

2.  Vote on the winner of the two sentence story competition.

3. Pick a quick read

4. Open a Word doc.

5. Write a review. This should include a brief summary (no plot spoilers!), what you liked about the writing, who you would recommend it to and a relevant picture. Once you have completed this, send it to me at

*Thank you to Mr Shovlin for creating this rather fabulous resource!

Monday 26 September 2016

Year 13 Gender Representation in Fiction

Gender Representation in Fiction and Non Fiction

Gender stereotypes influence the construction of gender representation in both fiction and non fiction texts.

The tweet above is an example of how pervasive these stereotypes have become and the extent to which they influence how gender is represented. Although we frequently read about women being described in terms of their appearance with verbs such as 'flaunt' and 'pour', it 'sounds weird' when we read about men being described in the same way.

What does this suggest about current societal attitudes in terms of men and women?

Indeed, the important questions which you must bear in mind when exploring gender representation are:

- How is language being used to construct/ represent a gender?
- What societal attitudes about gender does this reflect?
- What do you think is the relationship between the language used and the societal attitudes? Which comes first in terms of influence?  

This PowerPoint provides you with examples of fiction and non fiction. When analysing them, have the questions above in mind.  

Remember: top band analysis has to explore and evaluate the use of grammar - as well as the other language levels. Looking at clause types and the proportion of active/ passive sentences which are attributed to male/ female characters will gain you more marks than just commenting on the connotations of an adjective.

Thank you to: